What is Purpose of Interior Designer as a profession?

Rendered by Indah Chandra Suryani, Nirvana Studio

What is Purpose of Interior Designer as a profession?

nirvanaadikarya.id – What is it that we initially think of when we hear the word Interior Designer? Some people think that interior design is only for the rich and is expensive, that it is about having a glamorous and luxurious lifestyle that is beyond their reach. Right?

Not really so, by definition Interior Design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space.

And an Interior Designer is someone who plans, coordinates and manage such enhancement projects. It is a multifaceted profession that includes conceptual development, space planning, site inspections, programming, communicating with the clients and teams, with the construction management, and finally the execution of the designs.

Interior Design is therefore far more than creating a luxurious space, it is about contributing to make the world a better place to live. To make living and working spaces functional and user friendly. It is about esthetics and testing the boundaries of creativity and it is an art form in itself. But most importantly the profession exists to improve the lives of everyone and accordingly as an Interior Designer we must strive to ensure that everyone can avail of our services at affordable prices and enjoy the benefits of interior design. Accordingly encourage everyone entering this field must state their objectives and clearly understand the reason that they have elected to become an Interior Designer.

Interior Designer requires many skills such as:

  1. Creativity: Interior design is a creative profession. We need to constantly seek to be creative, apply new art forms and think out of the box.
  2. Critical thinking: as an interior designer we will be challenged by each client’s specific needs and the challenges of each unique space, and will have to apply our critical thinking to identify solutions.
  3. Space planning: is a fundamental element of the interior design process. It starts with an in- depth analysis of the space is to be used. Designers then draw up the plan that best defines the zones of the space and the activities that will take place in the zones.
  4. Sketching skills: sketching is a key skill which enables interior designers formulate and quickly share their ideas.
  5. Communication: great communication skills matter in every walk of life, and this is equally true for an interior designer where great communication skills enable the effective communication of ideas and builds long term trust and relationships with clients.

So, welcome to our Blog and I hope it will help you to think, learn and most importantly, ask yourself “what is your real purpose when you enter the field of interior design”.

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